My Buddies

My Buddies
Hanging out at Forest Park with Heather & Christina

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I'm getting bored now...

So I'm wearing the mu-mu fashion out here in St. Louis. Well not really, only within the confines and confidential location of my own home. With the recent recovery from a bladder infection 2 days ago (no shocker - after all my self-cath technique is not fully 100% sterile at home), I'm starting to get a bit of 'cabin fever.'
Today, I ventured out to the local mall and boy was I winded walking around the stores. Within our 1 hour fieldtrip, I had to sit and rest 3 times! Whew-makes you appreciate the various sitting areas all about mall. It was really good to get out and about.
Tomorrow, Jessica will return from her vacation with my father so things will get hopping here when she re-enters the Otty household.
Several of you are having trouble posting to the blog. Just click the title of the blog and another screen will pop up with a blank to add your thoughts at the bottom.

1 comment:

  1. It's gotta be tough when the spirit is willing and the body just can't keep up! I don't imagine that the weather is helping, either. Isn't is it extra hot there in St. Louis? Glad to hear that you're getting out of the house; you know that the more you do the more you will be able to do. Jessica's return will also push you to do more. Hope that cathing procedure is over for you soon; that sounds just awful. Hope you're feeling better over-all!
