My Buddies

My Buddies
Hanging out at Forest Park with Heather & Christina

Monday, June 27, 2011

The Cat is Out!

Okay, if there is a message to be shared with all my female friends...Don't skip your yearly pap-smears.  Turns out I skipped 2009 & 2010 pap-smears for who knows why (probably because sitting in stirrups with a speculum in your ya-ya just plain sucks).   So to help spread the importance of why annual pap-smears are so necessary...I let my "cat" out of the bag.  Hey, did you get the reference?  Okay, gotta have a sense of humor about it!
I just recently told my Touro students and will soon let my Maryville students know. Get your Gardisil vaccines & visit your friendly "MD with the speculum" every year.
My sister's mastectomy went well.  She only has one drain to deal with now (she had 2 when she came home) and now she has to overcome the non-shower situation.  I think that is the worst part about being laid up, opened up, and showered running water where you really need to have water run. She's an absolute trooper and she looks fantastic on Skype...keep it up strong 'sista!'
I am hoping the PET techs will take a picture of me on Friday...after all how often does this picture opportunity come along?  I'm not as bad as Jummel (with the camera), but I do like to snap pictures of interesting and new experiences.
Thanks for everyone's support and love!

1 comment:

  1. We all love yah Robyn. Thank goodness your sister is doing OK. I'll give you a call next week.
    Love Kathy
