My Buddies

My Buddies
Hanging out at Forest Park with Heather & Christina

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Today Is a Symbolic Day

Today, my older sister Monica underwent a major radical mastectomy due to a recent diagnosis of DCIS Stage II Breast Cancer.  She is doing quite well recovering from her surgery and resting quietly at Baylor Hospital in Dallas, Texas.  During her pre-op visits, she was able to meet with an occupational therapist to review arm exercises and adaptive equipment needs for her recovery.
With my sister's diagnosis in May, I felt the urgency to schedule a mammogram as well (not to mention I reached the magical age of 40, too).  In the process of receiving my mammogram referral, my gynecologist found cervical dysplagia and abnormal cellular changes.  Last week, it was confirmed that I have cervical adenocarcinoma stage I-II and will be undergoing a radical hysterctomy early next month.  Yes, both my sister and I have been simultaneously diagnosed with cancer.  I really have my sister to thank though.  Without her diagnosis, I would put off a yearly (and usually negative) gynecological exam for another 6+ months.  Cervical cancer is something completely left field for me.  In fact, I was completely asymptomatic and usually cervical cancer is fatal within the III to IV stages, so I know that it was a blessing that it was discovered.
My surgeon, Dr. Mutch of Washington University of St. Louis is thankfully a world renown researcher on gynecologic cancer and feel completely secure that I am good hands.  As a medical professional, you want the very best care from the smartest guy in the room...and Dr. Mutch turns out to be that man for my job.  Next Friday, I will be undergoing a PET scan to detect any cancer that may have spread to my lymph glands and/or pelvic wall.  I even added a picture of what my PET scan result should look like (cross your fingers for localization within my uterine walls and cervix).  On July, 11th is my scheduled surgery with a 3-5 day stay afterward at Barnes Jewish Hospital (yip, the hospital I work as a per-diem/PRN therapist).  Good thing, I know how to appropriately get out of bed and techniques to wipe my own butt (yahoo)!
So feel free to post on this wall or just sign in to say hi.  I will update my condition on this blog and anything else that may pop along my recovery.
By the way, if you were one of the people I directed to this is because I value your friendship and trust this news does not make it's way to Facebook (hee hee - I had to say that one).  As for my friends and colleagues from Touro and Maryville, please feel free to share this blog with your cohorts, because I would especially like to share this journey with you.
(this is not mine...just an example of a PET scan showing cervical cancer)


  1. Dear Robyn,
    We wish you and Monica the best.
    Love, Auntie Susie and Ernie

  2. Hi Robyn -

    All my love to both you and your sis. I am thinking of you and wishing you both a speedy recovery. Love to Rich, Jessica, Kevin and your mom and dad, too, as they share your journeys with you.

    Stay strong,

  3. Oh, Robyn! I'm so shocked and very concerned for you. How difficult for you and your family to have two major diagnoses in such a short amount of time. I will keep you all in thoughts and prayers and send out all the positive energy I can. It is some good news that you caught it so early; I hope that will bode well for you. Sending you lots of love and hugs!


  4. Robyn, my heart goes out to you and your family!! I don't have the words right now to express what I feel, but know that I am right there with you giving you a big hug. I wish we could curl up on the couch with our Diet Cokes and chat the night away. I love you so much and I will be here with you on this journey. I spoke to Christina last night and we are planning a trip out so see you and the family. I'll call you soon!

  5. Hey cousin,
    I can't begin to express how shocked and sad I was to hear the news about Monica and then you. You really opened my eyes to this, b/c it is hitting so close to home. But, I am glad to hear that you guys are in good hands and sounds like good spirits. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you out here in Cali. We look forward to seeing you guys soon, so you can meet your newest nephew from the Yamamoto side (finally!) as we try to grow our small family. Keep us updated!


  6. Dear Robyn, I am surprised and saddened to hear the news of you and your sister and am sending heart-felt healing energy and positive thoughts to you both. I am also very confident that with your fighting spirit and strong will that you will kick this cancer's butt! I love you! xoxo, jen

  7. Hi Robyn,
    I hope you are recovering well. Wishing you (and Monica) a speedy recovery. Take care!

